A Life With Wool

An online journal of my creative life

Books on Thursday

“When a person is lucky enough to live inside a story, to live inside an imaginary world, the pains of this world disappear. For as long as the story goes on, reality no longer exists.” ― Paul Auster, The Brooklyn Follies

My life has always been filled with books, and a wide variety of books that I can immerse my whole mind into and escape into another time, place or even universe. I honestly cannot imagine a life without books, or even not having the ability to listen to audio books. I often feel sorry for those folks out there that do not like reading, or do not understand why folks like us love to immerse ourselves into another world through our books. Can you imagine a life without books?

A team of archaeologists, investigating coastal erosion on the north Norfolk coast, unearth six bodies buried at the foot of a cliff. How long have they been there? What could have happened to them? Forensics expert Ruth Galloway and DCI Nelson are drawn together again to unravel the past. Tests reveal that the bodies have lain, preserved in the sand, for sixty years. The mystery of their deaths stretches back to the Second World War, a time when Great Britain was threatened by invasion. But someone wants the truth of the past to stay buried, and will go to any lengths to keep it that way…even murder. ~ Elly Griffiths

I’m a person that enjoys a wide variety of genres, and trust me, my taste in books is like my taste in music, it’s all over the place. Lately though my taste has been all about mysteries and I am really enjoying the Ruth Galloway series by Elly Griffiths. I am almost finished with The House at Sea’s End , the third book in the series, and plan to continue with the series. It’s almost like binge reading for me right now, and not sure why.

I do want to read other books while enjoying this mystery series, but haven’t quite decided what else I might want to read. I will say that I really am enjoying Amy Tan’s book, The Backyard Bird Chronicles. This has been a delight to read and I will be sad when I am finished, which will be in a few days or so. Maybe I should try reading non-fiction along with the mystery kick I’m on … something definitely to think about.

What are you reading or listening to?

“I still buy books faster than I can read them. But again, this feels completely normal: how weird it would be to have around you only as many books as you have time to read in the rest of your life.”
― Julian Barnes, A Life with Books

19 responses to “Books on Thursday”

  1. I got an audio version of Backyard Birds from my library and it was a good listen. I can’t wait to see it on the page too.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh that sounds like a great book …. I will definitely check that one out ☺️


  2. I’m listening to Howard’s End and really enjoying it. It’s a re-read, and I don’t remember many of the details, but when a “big” thing happens, it feels familiar.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I love Howard’s End … movie, book and audio. So good 😊


      1. I need to find the movie – I would LOVE to watch it!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Oh you do Mary … the film film starred Emma Thompson, Anthony Hopkins, Helena Bonham Carter and Vanessa Redgrave… all my favorite actors. Remains of the Day is good too.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. I love the quote at the beginning of your post, Tina! It’s exactly how I feel about books! You and I are kindred spirits when it comes to our books and the reasons for reading.

    The two books you have mentioned today definitely sound like good reads! I’ll keep them in mind.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I feel the same Dianna, and yes we are kindred spirits when it comes to books.


  4. Love both quotes in your post. I just finished “This Other Eden” yesterday. I have “Table for Two” on my nightstand and another book or two standing by.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Vera, I love them too. Your books sound interesting… I’ve not heard of them so thank you so much for sharing ☺️


  5. I love Ruth Galloway! Definitely binge-able! I’m reading the new book by Jane Smiley, Lucky, and so far enjoying it.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I am really loving her books Kim and they are definitely binge able. Your book sounds great and I’ve added it to my list.


  6. Just put a hold on the first book of the Ruth Galloway series. While waiting for it I decided to start the Brighton mysteries series by the same author. I am always on the lookout for good cozy mysteries to read.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s awesome Marsha and I hope you like the series. I haven’t looked at the Brighton series and look forward to your thoughts.


  7. I think I need to give the Ruth Galloway series a try — it sounds like something I would enjoy. I just started (and should finish today) an ARC of The Guncle Abroad. It’s almost as good as the first book!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I really like the series Sarah, and for me is getting better as I go. I’ve not heard of your book, thank you for sharing ☺️


  8. No, I cannot imagine a life without books. When I am at a loss for a gift, I give a book. I’m glad you are enjoying Ruth Galloway. There is something comforting (this probably sounds odd) about the predictability of a mystery.


  9. A House at Seas End looks very interesting!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. So far I am really enjoying it, and almost finished.


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