A Life With Wool

An online journal of my creative life

Sunday Vibes

“Sunday is a day to relax, reflect, and recharge. Take a break from the chaos and find peace in the simple things.” – Unknown

I woke up to a cool breezy morning, and happy that we will only be in the 80s today, which can be a little unusual this time of year in Phoenix but doubt anyone is complaining as the heat of the summer is just around the corner. Sundays are always our day to stay home. We have no plans for today, other than prepping meals for the week, so a movie might be in store for later in the day or possibly reading.

This morning I checked on our small container garden, which truly is growing leaps and bounds. I am so excited about all the growth, and with the cool nights, days in the 80s and 90s, everything is doing well. I just might end up having cucumbers and zucchini, fingers crossed.

I am truly looking forward to a relaxing day and plan to finish spinning my Shetland wool that I started spinning a month ago. This fiber is so soft and I am really enjoying the process of spinning it. I only have the small amount left to go (shown below), and then will start spinning the next natural color I have.

Have a wonderful day everyone!

18 responses to “Sunday Vibes”

  1. Your garden looks like it is doing very well. I’m still considering whether I want to give veggies a try again.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much Dee, so far it is doing and hopefully it will continue to do well. You still have time to decide, and flowers are always nice too if you decide against veggies.


  2. Your garden path looks great. I’ve started some cucumber plants. They still need several weeks before they are large enough to be transplanted outdoors. Hubby wants me to plant them in our awful clay soil. I’m thinking I’m going to plant at least one in a pot in the hopes of actually getting a few cucumbers. He plants his tomatoes in pots since that’s the only way we can keep the critters away from them.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Maureen and I am excited about my cucumbers. My mom use to grow hers in old tires, kind of a southern thing, zucchini too. I’m not sure clay soil would be good unless you add a lot of good mulch in with it.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. The plants look good! I will keep my fingers crossed that you get some good veggies!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Sarah, I really hope do ☺️


  4. Your plants look so healthy! Looks like they are thriving in that environment – hope you get your produce. There is nothing quite like harvesting your own veggies, right? That is such a pretty garden area. I love this time of year when we can actually get out and enjoy our gardens without burning up. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Linda, and I we get a few veggies from what we are growing. I love this time of year too but fear the summer heat will soon be upon us.


  5. What a pretty garden! Our weekend was wet and chilly:(

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Vera. I am so sorry to hear that, hopefully it will clear up and turn out to be a lovely week for you.


  6. I’m not a fan of hot weather so I am always complaining…but I thrive on cold weather!! I had a great weekend 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Glad you had a great weekend Karen. I love cooler weather but cannot take the cold, warm temperatures are great for me, unless I’m melting 😂


  7. Your garden looks so fresh and healthy! Good job!!! Oh, I do love to spin Shetland!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Cindy. I love spinning Shetland too, it’s such a beautiful fiber.


  8. Hello Tina! Your Sunday sounds lovely! And your container garden is beautiful. The plants all look SO healthy! I hope you did have time for either a movie or a book after getting the prepping done for this week’s meals. 

    Oh…and I REALLY like the new design of your blog! Your profile picture is precious!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so for your kind words Dianna 🥰 I did have time to read.


  9. Look at all the green in your container garden. It looks great. I hope your Sunday was as peaceful as you planned. I recently spun some Shetland and really enjoyed it.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. My Sunday was very peaceful and so relaxing too. Shetland is such a lovely fiber to spin and I hope to get my finished bobbin plied soon.


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